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Dry Rated
Additional Info:
Contemporary, artisanal fixture will complement bedrooms, home offices, family rooms, and living rooms
Features a quality aluminum body with a 19'' length, 15'' width, and 27'' height
From the brand formerly known as Generation Lighting Designer Collection
Includes (1) LED 9-watt medium base light bulb for ENERGY STAR qualified eco-friendly lighting
Bedroom, Home Office, Living Room
L:19 1/8'' W:15 3/8'' H:26 3/4''
1 A19 Medium 9 Watt Light Bulb
Quantity Fabric Glass Shades:
Other Details
Contemporary, artisanal fixture will complement bedrooms, home offices, family rooms, and living rooms
Features a quality aluminum body with a 19'' length, 15'' width, and 27'' height
Includes (1) LED 9-watt medium base light bulb for ENERGY STAR qualified eco-friendly lighting